Mindfulness is the process of paying attention to the present moment. Mindfulness is the practice of connecting with your true Self, an ongoing process that transforms our experience of the world. Mindfulness meditation uses guided meditations and time for reflection to create a connection with our own Being. A Mindfulness App offers guided meditations and relaxation sessions on demand or as part of the Android system while automatically downloading and installing itself to your phone. You can access these guided meditations as a background noise free meditation experience by connecting your phone to the Internet via a Wi-Fi or Wifi Only network.
With the Mindfulness App you are able to set reminders to help you stay more mindful. For example, you may want to remind yourself to pick up the paper when you reach your office or stop mowing the grass when you've finished for the day. With this app you can set reminders for positive things, such as being mindful to do your daily rituals and taking a few minutes for yourself every morning and evening to just be. The mindfulness practice also applies to spending time with friends and family as well as focusing on things like your diet and fitness goals. When you download the app for free you can connect it to your social networking account such as Facebook and add the same practices to your life in general.
Other apps that will help you download and use a Mindfulness App on your android smartphone are also available for download free from the Google play store. Apps like Pocket Nature Mind are designed to help you meditate using the distraction-free nature of text messaging. Apps like Ultimate Relaxation are designed to teach you relaxation techniques while listening to a favorite song. You can download these apps for free as well, but they won't do it for you!